Listowel - Mesto Basnikov

Big Bridge z roku 1829 Centrum Hrad Kerry Literary & Cultural Centre Listowel Arms Hotel
Namesticko St. John's Theatre & Arts Centre v tomto kostoliku najdete divadlo, umelecke centrum a turisticke centrum St. John's Theatre & Arts Centre St. Mary's Church V divadle

Hlavne literarne mesto Irska, pretoze sever kraju Kerry skutocne "produkoval" obrovske mnozstvo svetovo znamych spisovatelov. Jeden z nich, Dr. John B. Keane o Listowel napisal: "Beautiful Listowel, serenaded night and day by the gentle waters of the River Feale. Listowel where it is easier to write than not to write, Where first love never dies, and the tall streets hide the loveliness, the heartbreak and the moods, great and small, of all the gentle souls of a great and good community. Sweet, incomparable hometown that shaped and made me."

Dalej tam najdete Muzeum - Kerry Literary & Cultural Centre, hrad z 12. storocia ale pre mna najzaujimavejsi je kostolik sv. Jana z roku 1814, ktory sa nachadza v samom centre na namesticku. A co je na nom take zaujimave? Ze v nom najdete divadlo a turisticke centrum namiesto oltara. Par vplyvnych rodin sa tak rozhodlo, pretoze kostolik bol neuzivany a hrozilo mu chatranie..

Kerry Literary & Cultural Centre 2 Listowel Castle


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